Et studie af de ikke-akute effekter af langvarig cannabis brug, foreslår cannabis som værende en relativ sikker substans i forhold til neuro-cognitivitet. Ud fra en række forsøg, sammenholdt med tidligere publiserede studier, vurderes det, a
Unge veluddannede mennesker
at den ubetydelige effekt langvarig cannabis brug kan have på hukommelsen, kategoriserer cannabis som havende en god margin i forhold til sikkerhed, set fra et neuro-cognitivt synspunkt.
, i forhold til eventuel terapeutisk brug. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (2003),
Publiseret af Cambridge University Press
Nevertheless, when considering all 15 studies (i.e., those that met both strict and more relaxed criteria) we only noted that regular cannabis users performed worse on memory tests, but that the magnitude of the effect was very small. The small magnitude of effect sizes from observations of chronic users of cannabis sug- gests that cannabis compounds, if found to have therapeutic value, should have a good margin of safety from a neuro- cognitive standpoint under the more limited conditions of exposure that would likely obtain in a medical setting.